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Easter Basket

Hello Again !

How is your coffee today ? Mine ? ... well I haven't had one yet but I will as soon as I'm done here.

So now that easter is just a few days away I thought it would be nice to share what I put in my daughters easter basket. This is the first easter where she's old enough to somewhat understand whats going on. And Im super excited for her to experience all the things I used to do as a kid. In our house there was a tradition where you would take your painted easter egg and have a egg battle with someone else, and whoevers egg cracked first would lose, and the winner would move on to the next person. I know i know sounds kind of silly but its fun I promise.

This year were splitting easter into half, where we spend the morning at my parents house for a easter brunch and after Victorias nap we are going to head to my husbands families house for the easter egg hunt ( and more chocolate ).

Since Victoria is still pretty young this year for easter we didnt go overboard with her easter basket. We got her the little pig from Superwhy!, actually she pretty much forced us to buy it, she spotted it at the store and wouldnt let go. Next we got her the Minion banana bubble bath because she's been obsessed with her bath time lately, and let me tell you it smells AMAZING. And since she's starting to understand words more and more and can associate it with object I thought it would be a good idea to get her flash cards for letters, colours, number and objects. I mean I dont know how long they will last in good condition since she's the hulk and breaks everything but it will be nice for the few hours we have everything in tact.

Now I know your'e wondering where the chocolate part of the easter basket is. Well you see, we bought her a solid chocolate easter bunny the same day we bought everything else, and well we ate it. So then we felt guilty and bought her a new one, a fancy Lindt chcocolate one. And then we ate that one too. So what I'm saying is that my husband and I have no self control so were going to buy her a new one the day before easter in hopes that we don't eat that one too.

So now that you know what I put in my daughters easter basket I would love to know what you guy's put in your easter baskets, or what easter traditions you have :)

Again, it was a super nice coffee date we had. Next time I'll make sure I bring my coffee too.

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